There are so many cleaning products that you can buy at the store that are chalked FULL of harmful chemicals and toxins! Some of the “green” products are advertised as safe, but the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) doesn’t require disclosure of all ingredients.
We have created a list of SAFE non-toxic products that YOU can make to clean your home!! Not only are they safe, but they are also very effective.
So get some empty spray bottles and start mixing!
Mirror Cleaner
- 2 cups water
- 2 tablespoons white vinegar
- 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol
- 5 drops peppermint essential oil
- Combine & mix in spray bottle. Spray & wipe with dry soft cloth.
- 1/4 cup white vinegar
- 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
- 2 cups water
- 1 tablespoon corn starch
Rust Remover
- Saturate paper towels or rags with white vinegar and lay on top of fixtures. Let sit for 15 minutes and then rub. Rinse, and repeat if necessary.
Disinfecting Toilet Bowl Cleaner
- 1/2 cup baking soda
- 1/4 cup vinegar
- 10 drops tea tree oil
- Combine ingredients directly into toilet, it will fizz. Let sit for 5-15 minutes then scrub with toilet brush and flush.
Soap Scum Remover
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup Borax
- 2 cups hot water
- Mix in spray bottle. Shake and spray surfaces thoroughly. Let sit up to 15 minutes and use Magic Eraser sponge to clean. Rinse and wipe dry.
Oven Cleaner
- Spray bottle with mixture of 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water
- Coarse salt
- Baking soda
- Remove racks. Spray entire oven with mixture. Sprinkle baking soda all over then add thick layer of salt on top of baking soda. Spray again with mixture. Let sit overnight then scrub with sponge. Spray again with mixture to help clean out then wipe with rags or paper towels.
Weed Killer
- 1 gallon white vinegar
- 1/2 cup liquid dish soap
- 1/4 cup salt
- Mix then add into empty spray bottle
Kitchen & Bathroom Disinfectant
- 20 drops lemon (citrus limon)
- 20 drops orange (citrus sinensis)
- 20 drops grapefruit (citrus paradisi)
- Blend essential oils in 16oz spray bottle filled with 14oz water and 2oz white vinegar. Spray freely and wipe with towel or sponge. Make fresh every few weeks.
All-purpose cleaner
- 1/2 cup white vinegar
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 10 drops tea tree oil
- Mix in spray bottle. Kills bacteria and mold. Don’t use on marble or travertine.
Silverware Cleaner for silver and stainless
- Soak silverware in full strength white vinegar, rinse with water and dry
Souring Cleanser for pots/pans
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1 tablespoon dish soap
- Add white vinegar to make paste
Wood cutting board sanitizer
- Wipe with full strength white vinegar OR rub with cut lemon
Disposal freshener
- Cut narrow lemon slices and grind up in disposal
Norwex Products
We use Norwex products in our home also because they are non-toxic, safe, and it makes cleaning so much faster!! We especially love the EnviroCloth, Window Cloth (say good-bye to window/mirror streaks!), Cleaning Paste, Laundry detergent, and the Mop Collection. Click HERE to view products.
Cleanest, Healthiest Water
Find out how to produce the BEST drinking water (which can also be used for cleaning) on this website http://www.ninepointfive.com and watch their video to learn more. Even bottled water has bad chemicals in it, from the plastic, that is harmful for our bodies. Learn more HERE.
Also, keep in mind, we use non-toxic chemicals for our CARPET CLEANING as well! Regular Carpet Cleaning keeps your home safer from toxins and bacteria along with making your carpets look beautiful! Contact us to schedule your next carpet cleaning, 801-750-2928.